The Spencer family has got to be one of the most hilarious bunch that has ever been on GH.  They are loud, obnoxious,sensitive souls who don't go looking for trouble it finds them .


For them the wild ride began when Tim Spencer was the head of their messed up family. He was an ignorant brute who treated Lena, Patricia , Luke and Bobbie like they were his punching bags at the gym. What an aggressive SOB he was.  He got his come uppense when Luke at age 11 could not stand the way his father treated them so on April 1st 1963. Luke decided to stand up to his father.


Holding the baseball bat getting ready to hit his dad with it, Luke was in the state of shock when his mother grabbed at it and Luke accidently hit her with it she later died in hospital from that blow to the head. Once Luke was tormented by his dad over what he had done,  Luke lost it and killed his father too.


Patricia and Bill Eckert buried Tim's body in the wall and they never told anyone the truth.


Once their parents were dead Luke and Bobbie moved to  Florida to be with their Aunt Ruby and Patricia took off for Philadelphia.


52 years later  Patricia resurfaced with her daughter Valerie and she told her family what happened the night their parents died, that Luke killed them both.  Such a sad state of affairs and that that had to happen to them.


We know Bobbie got pregnant at 16 with Carly and gave her up for adoption and  22 years later that same baby girl grew up to be the biggest bitch ever to show up in town.



Bobbie and Tony Jones adopted Carly's younger brother Lucas who as a grown up is very openly gay and a doctor at Port Charles General Hospital.


A lot of stuff has gone down for  Bobbie with her kids over years and the one thing that stands out in my mind is the fact that when Bobbie discovered Carly was her daughter in 1998 she was disgusted with her. Carly had stolen her mother's husband and drugged  AJ Quartermaine, Lets be honest no mother wants to admit their child is a nasty , vindictive bitch who is only out to destroy other people.


Ha how well they forget cause once upon a time Bobbie was exactly the same.  Carly has been called out for being the town tramp more than once, but there are other women in town who are just as bad and total hypocrites.


When Bobbie first found out that Lucas was gay she was of course shocked and had a hard time dealing with it, but when Monica Quartermaine made a rude remark about it, Bobbie gave her a piece of her mind.  She threatened to kick her ass from New York to the Canadian border and back again.


In the 1980's up till early 2000's Luke was married to Laura Webber and they've had many adventures, both have been presumed dead , and both have had Nikolas and Ethan outside their marriage to other people and had two together.


Lucky was born in 1984 off screen while Lulu was born in 1994.  Both Spencer children have adventuress spirits like their parents, but they don't mess around when people are threatening their lives either.

As an infant, Lulu became very sick and needed a bone marrow transplant and it was Nikolas who was a match for her although Luke was not amused by it all especially when he found out Laura had a child with Stavros Cassadine while held in captivity.

Both kids have been kidnapped, and have faced the wrath of the Cassadines, just like their parents. I don't think anyone should suffer for their parents past mistakes or fights with other people. Kids should never have to be pawns in a sick game from their Parents enemies its just not right.


Lucky and Luly have both suffered loss over their years due to events they could not control, and they've made their own mark in Port Charles to boot.


Lucky has become a well respected police detective while Lulu has part ownership of the boat that Helena Cassadine had given her parents as a wedding gift.


As for Ethan and Nikolas well they are a whole other branch of the Spencer-Webber clan that are as bad as their parents.


Ethan arrived in Port Charles in 2009 knowing his father was in town, but he had no damn clue that the man that had given him a job was his father.  He was also shocked and disgusted that the lovely Holly Sutton who had taken him under her wing in Australia and was now in Port Charles was his mother.


Ethan as a Spencer is definitely a chip off the old block, he loves to gamble, and drink and he was a known pick pocket when he came to town. Luke was irritated with him at one point when he went to Carly's house and proceeded to steal something from her but he put a stop to it, because he knew once Carly found out there would be some trouble.


The Spencer's have a code of ethics you can lie, cheat and steal from other people, but " FAMILY" is off limits.


Except that only applies to the younger members of the Spencer clan because Luke had been taking advantage of the fact Carly co-owns the Metrocourt Hotel.


Luke was helping himself to a free room, free food and free booze. Finally Carly couldn't take it anymore and she told him enough was enough.


In 2002 Laura found out it was Scott Baldwin who had killed a woman who was having an affair with her step father Ric Webber. Laura was left in shock when Scott killed Rick, but all these years everyone else thought she was the one who had done it. It was actually Scott who had killed him. 


In all seriousness Scott is a snake in the grass and does nothing but cause problems for the Spencers and Laura should have avoided his ass from the get go.


On a stormy night in  October 2003 Carly was accidently shot in the head by Sonny while she was in labour and about to give birth to Morgan.. Sonny was really aiming for Lorenzo Alcazar who he believed was hurting Carly.


Two years later  Carly suffered another blow when both Michael and Morgan were kidnapped by Faith Roscoe and it later turned out that it was AJ who was behind it. Carly had a mental break down and wound up in Roselawn to get well  after Sonny realized he could not take proper care of her.


In 2006 Lulu was furious with Luke when she found out that he was with Tracey. She wanted her parents back together. This was also about the time she found out she was pregnant by her step brother Dillon and had an abortion.


It was a sad state of affairs for the family, and things got progressively worse when word got out that Luke had raped Laura in the 70's before Lulu was even born. This all came out at hearing as to who was going to take guardianship over the catatonic Laura. Lulu then went to visit her mother at the mental hospital she was in and it was that moment when Lulu poured her heart out to her mother that Laura finally broke out of the catatonic state to comfort her distraught daughter.

In November 2006 Luke and Laura reunited for a short time , when he became a bigamist and married Laura to make her happy, even though he knew that he was already married to Tracey.


When Laura found out she was seriously pissed off with him, and even more so when he had the nerve to kidnap her when she had been with Scott Baldwin.


The wreckless idiot got them into an accident which made the car go over a cliff and when they escaped Laura slapped him straight across the face. It served him right though lol.

Between  2008 - 2010  The Spencer family went through hell when Michael was shot in the head by  Ian Devlin,  Lulu stabbed  her ex boyfriend Logan who had been stalking her and she like Carly wound up in a mental hospital.


Carly was kidnapped by  Claudia Zacchara while Carly was in labour and a car crashed. leaving Carly to rescue herself and get away from Claudia.


Luke, Jax, Jason and Sonny tried in vein to find Carly ,but it wound up being  Michael who had located his mother and step mother at a cabin in the woods where Carly had given birth to Josslyn.


Claudia in her deranged mental state thought that  Joss was hers and she was going to leave with the baby placing her in a basket and attempting to leave.


Michael did what he had to do to protect his mama, who he could hear screeching  "give me back my baby" Michael picked up an axe handle and  he killed Claudia to protect his mother.


In many ways I believe that Michael is like his Uncle Luke, both did what they had to do to protect their family. Both didn't mean to kill Lena or Claudia, but they both went through some emotional turmoil over it.


In 2009 Lullu met Dante Falconeri, she didn't like him at first, as per usual with the Spencer girls lol. They always wind up being with the one man they say they don't like lol.


Lulu hides the fact that  Dante is a cop from her family , and as it turns out, he just happens to be the  son of crime boss Sonny Corinthos. 


Sonny winds up shooting Dante while he was going to arrest him , and as it turnes out  that same night Olivia tells him " I can't believe you shot your own son"


Lulu is shocked when she hears the news , but she's also the victim of two kidnappings as well , one by Franco the artist where she almost got blown up . This put a rift between  Jason Morgan and Lulu's older brother Lucky who was not impressed upon hearing the news that both she and Sam were strapped to a bomb. Lucky was furthber pissed when he found out Jason hadn't saved Lulu, but it winds up being Dante who did.


Lulu also winds up in deep trouble with Carly for supporting  Dante in the arrest of Michael who had admitted to killing Claudia in a court of law.  Carly seems to think that  if you tells the truth you are wrong, but if you omit it , its okay. Lying is not a good way to going about doing things that's for damn sure.


Michael's time in prison was a rough one when he was attacked by an inmate named Carter, and Michael wound up telling  Jason he had been raped by the thug. It was a hard pill for the Spencer/Corinthos clan to swallow.

In 2011  Lulu marries Dante without her family present and Carly finds out that  Josslyn has  kidney cancer and needs surgery.  She begs Jason to ask Elizabeth to donate the kidney's of her dead Son to Josslyn.

At first  Elizabeth was infuriated with the idea, but thanks to Carly's cousin Lucky(Elizabeth's husband) who convinced her that it would be the right thing to do.


In 2013 Lulu  is kidnapped by Stavros Cassadine who has an unhealthy obsession for her, much like the one he had for her mother. He sends her the ice princess and  Luke and Laura flip out when they realize what's going on.  Luke and Laura are in a race against time to find their daughter with the help of Dante. They managed to find Lulu, but Stavros the whackjob had frozen her and as we came to find out had taken her embryo's and was hell bent on creating another Cassadine heir. The man is one sick mother effer let me tell you.


We also were subjected to Lulu having lost her memory, but she soon got it back. We also realized that Maxie was pregnant , but she passed the child that was actually hers off at Lulu's and it ruined the friendship for a little while. In the mean time Lulu and Dante had discovered that little Ben who was Britt Westbourne's son was their little boy. 



Fast forward to 2014 and 2015  we now know that Carly was kidnapped by Heather Webber, which had Luke trying to rescue his niece, however Heather and her goons got him and he wound up in Miscavage for a little while. Unbenownst to his family upon his rescue Luke was suffering from Dissasociative Identity disorder which caused him to get involved in mob wars, trying to hurt his own family and blow up the Haunted Star with all his friends and family inside it.


We also found out that Luke was in a very dark place and he had blocked out the memory of killing his parents, but with the help of his family he will get back on the roade to recovery.


With all the drama with the Spencers, you'd think the whole family would have fallen apart and would have gone their separate ways, uh huh don't count them out because they stick together like glue.





(C) GHCanada 2015