GH is known for its drama, but its also known for having some pretty creepy things going down on on it that we fans thought what the hell is going to happen next. With GH always expect the unexpected.

For instance In 2004 Mary Bishop came to Port Charles after she had kidnapped a amnesiac Nikolas Cassadine who got injured in a car accident and thought he was her husband Connor. Mary ended up going to  Port Charles following Nikolas once he regained his memory.

She believed that Emily had stolen Connor from her , in her delusional mind she still wouldn't believe he wasn't Connor and was actually Nikolas Cassadine.

On a very stormy night in Port Charles, doesn't that how all horror movies start out ? Oh the Irony of it all, anyways Mary the whackjob got into the Quartermaine mansion , and watched and waited for Emily to be around, only in her deluded mind she lay in wait for anyone she thought could be in cahoots with Emily to keep Connor away from her.

That night  Sage Alcazar and her best friend Trent were visiting the mansion , Georgie Jones was ticked off with Sage for making a move on Dillon, and she locked her in the freezer, what she didn't bank on was the fact Mary Bishop would go after Sage and stab her to death and she also killed Trent as well.

In 2007 the other creepy event that happened took place at Wyndemere on Spoon Island when Anthony Zacchara and Diego Alcazar were running loose on the island.

Anthony freaked out alot of the guests at the black and white ball, AZ's part in the whole debacle was to try and make Jason and Elizabeth jump off a cliff , but in the end Jason and Elizabeth managed to get this psycho dealt with.

Elizabeth managed to drop kick AZ's ass and he was injured. Diego managed to unsuccessfully strangle Carly at the black and white ball after he killed Letitica previously. He killed Emily leaving Nikolas a broken unconsolable mess. Jason thought that  Nikolas had killed her, but that was not the case as everyone found out.

We also had the scary displeaure of being exposed to Franco and his freaky dead body posing ass. Franco had discovered that Michael had killed his step mother Claudia and had taken pictures of the body being buried in the pine barrens.

How anyone would have thought he was an art genius is beyond me, that dickhead has stalked and harrassed the people of Port Charles since 2009. He became fixated on Jason Morgan and kidnapped both Sam and Carly but Jason rescued them both.

Franco kidnapped Sam and Lulu and put them in glass cases with bob detinators attached to them. Jason rescued Sam while Dante Falconeri rescued Lulu. Lucky was furious when he didn't think Lulu got out safe , but as we all know  Dante was the one who got her out in time.

It was believed that Franco had raped Sam on her wedding night, leaving Jason scared and upset and angry and upon finding out Sam was pregnant wondering if the baby Sam was carrying was Franco's.

After this incident  Jason thought he had killed Franco, but much like his demented mother Heather Webber Franco isn't easy to do away with.

Franco showed up alive at the haunted Star letting everyone know that he never raped Sam and he sure as hell didn't hire  Carter to attack Michael in prison he only wanted him to  protect him from other people. Yea and how well did that work out for him huh.  Poor Michael had been put through hell because  Franco trusted the wrong person.

Oh and not to mention the fact that he also stabbed Heather who had attacked Carly .... this redeemed him a bit, but what was really the icing on the whack job cake was the fact that he found out Sonny and Ava had killed AJ Quartermaine. He knew that this huge of a secret would not be a good one to keep as he thought Sonny and Carly deserved to be in a whole world of hurt for keeping the truth from Michael. This all happened on Halloween Night 2014.

And lets not forget about  Stephen Clay , that crazy bastard thought he was a vampire lol. He killed Alison Kovich leaving his son motherless, and eventually raised by his Uncle Silas. He also kidnapped Sam and Danny believing that she was his wife Livy and that Danny was their son.

Luckily John McBain rescued Sam and Danny and Stephen finally met his maker.

After all of these events that have taken place its a huge shock that Port Charles hasn't become a ghost town , seriously why would anyone want to continue to live there with all the psychos running free.

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