Port Charles has run rampant with villians over the years who have messed with the likes of  The Spencers, Corinthos, and Morgan family's.


 These baddies have no moral compass, and they believe that whatever the family's have should be theirs. 



For instance Mikkos and Helena Cassadine,  they had the ice princess, and they were the ones that kidnapped Laura back in the 80's just after David Grey had taken her. David Gray was after the treasure of Malluth, and had  kidnapped Laura leaving her in a boat and that is how the Cassadine family found her and held her captive


As for Helena she believes that she has every right to take her own Step granddaughter's husband from her, making her believe he's dead and making him work for her as an assasin.



Jason has a new face, but his memories are starting to come back and when he does remember I hope he pops a cap in her body for messing with his family.





Also in the 80s Grant Putnam was another psycho who thought that he was owed sdomething, Grant watched his younger brother die in a skiing accicent and didn't bother to save him, he also murdered his doctor, framed his lookalike Grant Andrews for murder.



Grant Putnam also killed Filomena Saltini ( Robin's surrogate grandmother) he wound up kidnapping Anna and tried to kidnap Robin but Robert caught him and he was institutionalized.



The Balkan was another villain that GH fans loathed who kidnapped  Brenda Barrett , and tried to have her killed in a bomb explosion in a limosine on her wedding day to Sonny. The Balkan was eventually caught after he killed his wife who had kidnapped his grandson who was kept a secret lest he gets his hands on him



Lisa Niles obsession with Patrick Drake led her to kidnap Emma, mess with  Robin's meds and even tried to kill her, this sick delusional chick felt that she had ever right to do what she did and in the end , the whack Job got what was coming to her.


Faison oh my good god where the hell do I start lol , he's been a part of GH history as long as Helena has , and he's the one villain, the fans get so irked about. Like Helena and  Lisa he has a sick obsession with getting even with  those he preys on.


Liesel Obrect is not a completely bad person deep down , but her one good point is that she loves her children Nathan and  Britt.  Although she was obsessed with Faison, Obrect is a pretty interesting character. When she shot Victor Cassadine, I began to see the good in her because she did it to protect those who were held captive at Crichton Clark.


Robert Frank aka Franco is another whacho who by all accounts should have stayed locked up in a mental hospital for the stuff he's done. Egged on by  Heather Webber Franco gets a sick obsession with jason Morgan , kidnaps his wife Sam and  tries to make it look like he raped Sam wasjust the beginning.


This sick son of a gun even went as far as putting a bomb in a glass case with Sam and Lulu Faloconari in it , luckily the girls were rescued , but then  in his sick delusional mind after Jason supposidly died kidnapped Danny Morgan Jason's son and tried to say he was Jason. Its time this cuckoo went back to the loony bin never to be seen again.



Heather Webber another  nut that has fallen of the Port Charles oak tree, she has stalked , harrassed, drugged , kidnapped and torutured the people of Port Charles so long that I think she deserved a taste of her own medicine. I would love to see someone  take the bitch out. 



Perhaps Jason, Sonny, or Helena could provide this service, because frankly I think they'd be the only one's who could stop this pathetic psycho bitch.


The worst part of it is, when she stole Danny and was on that roof top I was praying to god that bitch would be dead, but like Jason Voorhees she keeps coming back time after time after time.




She's kind of like a boil on your ass  you can't get rid of mind you its the same with all the others too.



Jerry Jacks, in all seriousness  is not as much of a mental case as the others but he does have a bit of sexiness and charm to him that makes you love him.


Jerry has terrorised the people of Port Charles since 2007, and he hasn't got an ounce of regret for what he's done, blowing up the Metrocourt, kidnapping Robin causing Alan Quartermaine to collapse and have a heart attack and then later died in hospital, and kidnapping Luke and Bobbie Spencer are just a few of the crimes he's committed.


For Jerry revenge is what  fuels his fire, as much as the others, however he does not have an air of whacho to him that makes us not like him.


Mann Ruiz now that's a scary SOB that has ever been on the show. He's creepy, dangerous and he thinks its okay to try to attack women. He got whhat he deserved when  Carly  almost got raped by him in 2005. He also went after Sam and tried to tatoo his name on her stomach thank god Jason saved her.


Manny, Lisa Niles and  the Balkan  are the only 3 villains who have met a dark fate and have not come back from the dead

Some fans love to hate them, but without the villains causing trouble for our favourites couple's and characters life in Port Charles would be pretty boring, they add that extra spice and drama that makes the fans scream for more


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