In December 2014 General Hospital had a storyline where RCMP Officers in Newfoundland were shown wearing their cermonial red serge uniform instead of their daily uniform of a dark blue Jacket, shirt and black pants as they arrested Nina and Franco for kidnapping Ava Jerome's baby girl.
As a canadian fan of the show I found it a tad ridiculous that the show much like Due south made the RCMP look like a joke.
If I sound like I'm offended by how the show portrayed the RCMP that's because I am.
I feel like the show should have done their research about the uniform itself and making them look like Dudley Do Right, a cartoon caricature of who they are and what they dress like is doing the RCMP a great disservice by not showing them in their real uniform.
This situation is another urban legend to come across our screens, because they just didn't get this one right
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