If you are looking for the good guys, then look no further. The Scorpio family is the most trusted and well-respected family in Port Charles.


People can rely on them for help whether it be a miracle cure, or some good  detective work when they need to find someone for help.


The head of the family is Robert Scorpio spy de jour and Anna Devane who is the ex police commissioner of Por Charles and are the parents of Dr Robin Scorpio Drake and grandparents to Little Emma.


When Anna and Robert both disappeared and presumed dead , it was up to Mac ( Robert's younger brother) who stepped up to the plate to take care of the young teenage Robin. And if that wasn't enough he became step dad to Frisco Jones' two daughers Maxie and Georgie. In fact Mac was left to raise all three girls on his own while Felicia went chasing after Frisco seeking adventure and she herself became a wsb agent.



Its heart breaking to think that Mac had to deal with the fact Robin contracted the  HIV virus on his own without any support from the girls parents,granted they were in hiding and presumed dead, but no uncle should have to carry that much of a load on his back ever.


In 2001 Robin travelled to Pine Valley Pennsylvania and was reunited with her mother Anna who she found out was very much alive. It was a heartbreaking scene as they'd not seen each other for 10 years. 


In 2005 Robin was involved in helping her friend Jason Morgan when he was in need of brain surgery . She was tracked down by jason's wife( who was his girlfriend at the time) to save his life, Robin then located Dr Noah Drake to perform the brain surger, but Noah was so shakey from drinking that he said he could not perform the surgery, but suggested his son Patrick could do it.

When Robin met Patrick it was clear to the fans that these two squabbling twits were going to become the next super couple.

When Robin first met him his was having sex with a nurse ontop of a gurney lol. Great first impression not lol.

Anyways ,  Patrick did the surgery on Jason , then he and Robin started dating , and it was in  2008 that their lives changed forever when their baby girl  Emma was born.

They were happy for awhile until  Lisa Niles the crazy doctor showed up, when Robin was in Africa at one point  Patrick weakend and he had sex with Lisa which lead her to obsess over him and try to kill Robin and she even went as far as kidnapping Emma.

This crazy loon actually thought that  Robin and Patrick, and Steven Webber, and Maxie were all disrespectful idiots because they dared to stand up to her crazy ass.

 If that wasn't enough in 2012 Robin supposidly died in an explosion and was later found alive by her parents.

Maxie felt horrible for that situation because she thought it was she that had caused the explosion.

And if that still wasn't enough  Robin found out Jason was alive and she was forced to go with Victor Cassadine once she had returned home to her family to help him revive Helena and Stavros, in exchange for Jason's life to be spared.

Maxie wound up in a custody battle with Lulu and Dante when  she told them that they baby she had given them was actually her daughter, they were understandibly pissed at her and who could blame them.

But the judge was so disgusted with both girls that he gave custody to Spinelli and Maxie was only allowed to see her when the six moths was up.

And the rest his history. If you want to count the time the girls were kidnapped by the Cassadines lol at the same time Jason and Robin where there how is that for an adventure lol.

Its too bad in my opinion the Scorpio- Drake clan had not discovered that Jason was alive perhans they could have stopped  Helena from messing with him.

Anna recently killed Carlos Rivera for killing Duke Lavery and lets face it the bastard deserved it.

What's next for the  Scorpio drake clan I don't know but whatever it is is going to be explosive


(C) GHCanada 2015