The Lansing Clan  came into Port Charles in 2002  when Ric Lansing came to town stalking his half brother Sonny Corinthos.


Ric as a character is not all bad, he's charasmatic and smart, and yet his jealousy towards his brother is sad and pathetic, he once kidnapped Carly and locked her in a panic room, and planned to take her unborn child from her and give it to his wife Elizabeth.


Ric has also had a relationship with Courtney Matthews, Alexis Davis which produced their daughter Molly, Reese Marshall, Claudia Zacchara and yet again Elizabeth Webber.


When Sonny was going through his break down in 2006 Ric was the one trying to screw with his brother's head making him believe that Lily had come back from the dead. Whic was grossly unfair . He also got threatened with a fire place poker by Carly and also has been toe to toe with Jason Morgan on several occasions.


The other down fall Ric has is that he just doesn't know when to quit scheming against other people all in the name of getting what he wants. In that respect he's very much like his father Trevor Lansing.


Ric's most devious plot has been trying to make everyone believe Jason aka Jake Doe was married to Hayden Barnes a woman Ric met on a dating site. Ric wanted Elizabeth who was interested in Jason think he was married to Hayden


Ric's scam only worked for a short time as Carly Corinthos was on the case along with Spinelli who found out that  Ric had paid Hayden and a guy named Pete to have their pictures taken to make it look  like Jason aka Jake Doe looked like Pete in his past life . In this sense it wound up making Elizabeth upset and run back into  Ric's arms


As for  Ric's father Trevor is the worst father on the planet , he treated Ric like he wasn't worthy of anything and make matters worse he blamed Sonny for Adela's death.


Its pretty pathetic when you think of it that a grown man would blame a small child for something that happened eons ago.


But still  Trevor felt the need when he came back to Port Charles working with the  Zacchara Organization to try and get Sonny's terriory.


Trevor didn't waste any time pissing off Sonny and  Claudia Zacchara who was the daughter of his boss Anthony.  As we found out  Claudia at one point slept with Trevor can we say ewww gross.


We also came to find out that Trevor got a hold of the deadly toxin that swept through the hospital and he dove off the hospital roof with it. As far as we fans know the bastard is dead, but who knows he could still be alive somewhere being the creep that he is.


As for Molly she first came on the scene in 2005 during the train crash when Robin had to perform an emergency c-section so that Alexis could give birth to her daughter when her water had broken.


Since then Molly has been through  watching her mum go through having cancer, Kristina being beaten up by Keifer, having PTSD after the bus crash in 2010. Luckily she got some help , Sean Butler helped her through it as well as a councellor and even her Uncle Sonny  and going through the stress thinking her dad was dead when he went into witness protection.


The Poor kid was beside herself with grief thinking that her dad was dead, but it was soon revealed daddy wasn't the one who was going after Sonny's territory and Ric could come home.


Molly has become a smart, beautiful young lady right before our eyes and a very good aunt to her little nephew Danny. 


Being Ric's daughter has its ups and downs she knows her dad loves her but, he just can't get his own life together and this puts a huge burden in her heart cause she feels bad for her dad even when he does things wrong.



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