The Falconeri Family

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When the Falconeri Family first arrived in Port Charles one thought crossed my mind , oh my god there is going to be some serious drama with this lot lol.

First who arrived was Connie in 2008 who at that time was calling herself  Kate Howard. She wound up  living next door to Sonny and instantly was disliked by Carly when Kate called Michael and Morgan out for supposidly killing her Koi fish in her pond.

Kat was an ice queen with no time for people she thought were beneath her, its too bad she didn't let the real her shine through Connie was a fun vibrant woman who could make you laugh and cry and make you angry , but at least she was likeable.

Kate was horrendous to Maxie and Lulu who worked for her at Crimson magazine and it all came out that Kate or Contanza Louise Falconeri as she was christened at birth was an old girlfriend of Sonny's back in Bensonhurst.

When Spinelli first met her he dubbed her the ice queen which was really appropriate given the way she carried herself and spoke to everyone. It was as if she wanted to close herself off from everyone because she didn't want them to get to know who she really was deep down.

Despite this she was one of my favourite GH character even if she did tick off Carly , and Claudia and treated Olivia like dirt under her shoe when she first came to Port Charles for her wedding to Sonny.

Kate had been shot twice once by Michael and once by  Anthony Zacchara in the first year she was on the show. A situation that made her angry enough to tell Sonny he's dumped and to tell Carly she had better reign Michael in because he accidently had shot her.

Over the years Kate has been there for Sonny, as has Olivia, but there was one more puzzle piece missing that that was Dante who arrived in Port Charles in 2009.

Dante is the tall dark and handsome son of Sonny Corinthos, although Olivia hadn't told him that until Sonny shot him when he found out he was a detective for the PCPD.

Yep Sonny shoots first, asks questions later and then says " What do you mean he's my son?"

I love Dante for the sweet, law abiding cop that he is he swept Miss Lulu Spencer off her feet and in 2010 they got married and tried for a baby.

It was a difficult road for them , when they tried to conceive but couldn't but eventually they found out that they had a son only after  Britt Westbourne had been outted for stealing one of their embryo's. This was also after they found out the baby Maxie gave birth to was not their daughter but Maxie and Spinelli's.

A custody battled had ensued and the end result was that  neither Maxie or Lulu would get little Georgie, it ruined their friendship for the time being, however they have since built bridges and their friendship is back on track.

The Falconeri's next journey it seems was when Olivia admitted the baby she gave birth to was Julian Jerome's and she had to do what she had to keep the little one safe, so she and the child and Ned Ashton have left town.

Whatever the future holds for Lulu and Dante and Rocco is anyone's guess but they will do it standing together as one

(c) GHCanada 2015