The Cassadine Clan has been one family who live by a code that would be messed up to outsiders but when it comes to their own family they feel like only the strong should survive.

The head of the clan Mikkos and Helena have had a tendency of irritating the hell out of those who they view as enemies, they believe that they are more poweful, more rich and have more classy than the rest of the people that they view as the lower class.

Mikkos created a machine that froze Port Charles and it was up to Luke Spencer and Robert Scorpio to save the day and they did.

For this Helena hates Luke and Laura for it and put a curse on them , and still over the years this crazy assed bitch still feels she needs to harrass the Spencers, but she didn't stop there, oh no she even took her own step Granddaughter Sam's husband away from her to brainwash him and turn into a Cassadine assasin, Helena admired his fighting skills , and I'm willing to bet she thought he was hot too. Helena appreciate the male form lol, and is the ultimate cougar.

Helena has always prided on the fact that the Cassadines were descended from royalty lol, a fact of which has never been proven.

Poor little  Spencer was under the impression that he was a prince and that he should get what he wants until recently when he spoke to the spirit of his dead mother Courtney that looking down on people is not the way to go to make friends.

As for  Alexis she just thinks her family is insane, well who wouldn't when you watch in horror as your mother's throat is slit right infront of you at the hands of a very jealous Helena.

Helena has killed her own daughter Irena just as she had killed Alexis' mother Kristen, she was very vocal when she found out that Kristina had been beaten up by Kiefer and said that she would have run the car over him a few more times, after she found out Alexis had only maimed the boy.

Helena is also under the impression that Stavros was well within his rights to take wasn't his especially when it comes to Laura and Lulu and to me that is just plain sick. You never use and abuse a woman that isn't yours to begin with.

Women are not play toys or an object you can possess and take away from those who love them.  Thank goodness Laura and Lulu got out of that situation.

Helena has no respect for Alexis simply because she's not a full Cassadine as she sees it, good heavens this woman is out of her tree and frankly I'd tell her to hit the road lol.

She married into the family it doesn't mean she really is a Cassadine, Alexis and her girls are  Cassadine's by blood so if anyone should be bowed down to its the  Cassadine princesses in the shap of Alexis, Sam , Kristina and Molly.

Calling someone a bastard child, is just sick and twisted and shows no respect for those who are around you. Be it family or not. Helena hasn't quite grasped the fact that you protect your own.

She has been a thorm in the side of the people of Port Charles for far too long and is like an albatros around Nikolas's neck. it doesn't matter how many times he tries to rid himself of her she always comes back.

Speaking of Nikolas he's in a very dark dangerous place right now and if he plans to get out of him, he better count on Jason gunning for him when the truth comes out that he knew he was alive and did nothing to let Sam or his family know.

I welcome the backlash Nikolas and ELizabeth will receive when this secret is exposed.

What's next for the Cassadine's how about a nice padded cell for the one's who cause the most trouble as they have a screw loose and need to be taught a lesson or two.

©  GHCanada 2015